Química Internacional para el Curtido S.L.

Retanning auxiliaries
Beamhouse and wet

Helpa MB

Helpa MB improves the penetration capacity of retanning and coloring products, allowing both these and those to do so in a homogeneous way and achieving greater equalization and distribution of the products through the use of these products. Helpa MB is easily soluble in water.

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Helpa RDC

Helpa RDC is easily soluble in water and accelerates vegetal tanning agents and other anionic products penetration, reducing astringency when penetrating into leather. This product, when retanning already chrome tanned leathers, causes a neutralisation that allows the later added retanning and colouring agents´ relaxed and even penetration.

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Helpa RDP

Helpa RDP is a product that improves the penetration capacity of retanning and colouring products, allowing that both can do this evenly. This product gives better equalization and distribution on the items. Helpa RDP is easily water-soluble. It also accelerates the penetration of vegetable tanning agents and other anionic products, reducing the astringent action when penetrating into the leather. Due to the neutralization produced at the beginning of the penetration into the leather, before the retanning of chrome tanned leathers, a relaxed and even penetration of the later added retanning and colouring agents is produced. The outcome is a more equalized and intense coloured crust where the neck veins are less marked than with a normal dispersing agent. The product does not noticeably discolour the dyes.

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Tanqin PYP

Tanqin PYP improves the penetration capacity of retanning and coloring products, allowing both these and those to do so in a homogeneous way and achieving greater equalization and distribution of the products through the use of these products.

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Tanqin SBL

It accelerates the penetration of vegetal tannins and other synthetic anionic retanning agents by decreasing leather´s astringency towards these products, which makes its use adviceable if we need to ensure a more even and matched retanning.

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