Química Internacional para el Curtido S.L.

Mineral retanning agents
Beamhouse and wet

Tanqin ACR

Easily soluble and compatible with acids, salts and chrome tanning agents. If only used for tanning it provides practically white leathers. As the product already contains chrome, it is not nesessary to add further chrome tanning agent, as usually done with aluminium tanning to avoid non desired yellowing. Its application in chrome tanning procedures reduces the chrome content in residual waters obtaining accellerated penetration and better distribution of chrome salt in the leather cut. Gives strength and resistance to the grain and compactness to pelt leather.

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Tanqin CRE

Tanqin CRE is a chromed synthetic product which provides soft and full touch, while it gives a high grain finesse and equalizes dye without making it clear.

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Tanqin CRN

Tanqin CRN gives fullness to the leather and it remarkably improves the touch. It bleaches scarcely the dyes and maintains chrome leather´s character.

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Tanqin CRS

Tanqin CRS is a selfbasifying chrome based tanning agent that makes the basifying process of the tanning bath unnecessary, whenever the pickled leathers' Ph stays between 3,4 and 3,6.

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