Química Internacional para el Curtido S.L.

Tanning agents
Beamhouse and wet

Extracto de Quebracho ATG

The main features of these extracts are: high penetration speed and a high content of tannines, and a relatively low contend of non-tannines. The low acid content and the medium salts content, characterizes them as soft tanning extracts (little astringency).

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Extracto Mimosa GS

The Mimosa extract is water-soluble in cold and warm water and has the faollowing features: fast penetration, excellent capacity, very clear leathers, good fixation power and pleasant cream tone. For the retanning of chrome leathers, using Mimosa extract allows to fill up flanks and bellies, to benefit the scouring, maintain the embossing of the ironing, giving an excellent burning effect.

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Tanqin GLT 50

Resistant to electrolytes and compatible with pickle acids, neutral salts and mineral tanning agents. It gives the leathers a round, extremely soft touch and good tinctorial capacity, even for intense colours.

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